64HDD and Networking FAQ ======================== This information has been kindly provided by Peter Simmonds. There may be other 64HDD users who would like to have their 64HDD machine networked with other PCs in their home. ============================================================================= One of the many advantages of C64HDD being a DOS-based program is that it also inherits the flexibility of this operating system. It is possible to add networking features to a 64HDD system in this way. The trick is to download and install a copy of the "microsoft network client for ms-dos". This software has a similar installation process to windows 3.11 and autodetects most of the old network cards that windows 3.11 supports. Most of the common networking protocols are also supported. Once correctly installed, shared network directories can be accessed by using the dos command: net use : \\\ For example: C:\> net use e: \\ntserver\c64games. This would create a new drive letter with the contents of the files on the computer named "ntserver" in it's shared "c64games" directory. A good place to add these commands is inside "GO64HDD.BAT" The bad news, however, is that long filenames are not available, so the filenames on the network are limited to 8 characters. It is recommended to rename the files to this format, as the ~1 naming scheme used in windows causes problems with the C64 (Removing the ~ character should work). Directories can be extended to 11 characters, by using a dos-compatible extension, for example; a "Creatures 2" directory could be named "CREATURE.S-2" {Ed Note: the ~ character can also be replaced with CHR$(126) when typing at the C64 keyboard.} It is also possible to add the ability for 64HDD to share directories to the network by applying a service pack in which microsoft mistakenly added server capabilities to this product! There are a large number of web-pages describing how to do this; Recommended google.com search is "ms network client dos server". The MS network client can be downloaded from: ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/mslfiles/mswgcn.exe A good informational web-site: http://www.wown.info/j_helmig/dosclien.htm