// Set to AL 0 for testing. cmd levelup_xp 10 cmd influence 10 // Commands unlocked for everybody. cmd sgwho 0 cmd setdifficultylevel 0 cmd setdifficultyteamsize 0 cmd setdifficultyav 0 cmd setdifficultyboss 0 cmd select_build 0 // Commands used by map editors. cmd map_send_buffs 2 cmd mapmove 2 cmd timeset 2 cmd timescale 2 cmd mapmovepos 2 cmd snotimeout 2 cmd mapmovespawn 2 cmd gotoentbyname 2 cmd enterbasebysgid 2 cmd scmds 2 cmd scmdlist 2 cmd smapname 2 cmd maplist 2 cmd encounterteamsize 2 cmd encounterspawnclosest 2 cmd exitmission 2 cmd exitbase 2 cmd enterbase 2 cmd goto 2 cmd gotocontact 2 cmd gotomission 2 cmd teleport 2 cmd Architect_Slot_Grant 2 // Commands used by GMs. cmd sg_csr_join 3 cmd completemission 3 cmd completetask 3 cmd csr 3 cmd csr_offline 3 cmd csr_assist 3 cmd description_set 3 cmd sgjoin 3 cmd sgrp_badge_give 3 cmd showobjectives 3 cmd gotoobjective 3 cmd showmissioninfo 3 cmd nextspawn 3 cmd nextspawnpoint 3 cmd nextobjective 3 cmd nextmissionspawn 3 cmd nextumissionspawn 3 cmd nextunconqueredmissionspawn 3 cmd title_special 3 cmd playerrename 3 cmd playerrename_paid 3 cmd playerrename_reserved 3 cmd handlerename 3 cmd grant_handle_change 3 cmd gethandle 3 cmd respec_grant 3 cmd goto_name 3 cmd status 3 cmd invincible 3 cmd unstoppable 3 cmd alwayshit 3 cmd untargetable 3 cmd invisible 3 cmd list_deleted_chars 3 cmd restore_deleted_char 3 cmd offline_move 3 // Commands used by high-rank GMs. cmd csr_radius 4 cmd script_debug_server 4 cmd script_pause 4 cmd script_reset cmd script_show_vars cmd script_signal cmd setragdoll 4 cmd silence 4 cmd spawnvillain 4 cmd spawndoppelganger 4 cmd doppelgangertest 4 cmd entcontrol 4 cmd ec 4 cmd nextcritter 4 cmd nextawakecritter 4 cmd nextitem 4 cmd spawnpet 4 cmd zonescriptstart 4 cmd zoneeventstart 4 cmd zoneeventstop 4 cmd zoneeventsignal 4 cmd shardeventstart 4 cmd shardeventstop 4 cmd shardeventsignal 4 cmd svrkick 4 // Commands used by admins. cmd freeze 9 cmd spawn 9 cmd scriptlocationprint 9 cmd scriptlocationstart 9 cmd scriptlocationstop 9 cmd scriptlocationsignal 9 cmd contactdetail 9 cmd getcontacttask 9 cmd gettask 9 cmd gettaskqa 9 cmd getcontactstoryarc 9 cmd getstoryarc 9 cmd getstoryarctask 9 cmd accepttask 9 cmd startmission 9 cmd startstoryarcmission 9 cmd addcontact 9 cmd gotoandselectcontact 9 cmd contactintropeer 9 cmd contactintronext 9 cmd emailsystem 9 cmd set_player_rename_token 9 cmd unlock_character 9 cmd adjust_server_slots 9 cmd powers_check 9 cmd powers_info 9 cmd powers_show 9 cmd powers_info_build 9 cmd powers_show_build 9 cmd badge_show 9 cmd sgrp_badge_show 9 cmd sendall 9 cmd allow_change_handle_all 9 cmd cape_grant 9 cmd glow_grant 9 cmd costumepart_grant 9 cmd villain_list 9 cmd goto_id 9 cmd archvillain 9 cmd viewattributes 9 cmd lstoken 9 cmd lsactivetoken 9 cmd lsphase 9 cmd isvip 9 cmd account_inventory_change 9 cmd unspamme 9 cmd architect_grant_overflow_tickets 9 cmd badge_remove 9 cmd badge_revoke 9 // Commands nobody should use. cmd csr_long 10 cmd accesslevel 10 cmd levelingpact_add_no_xp 10 cmd levelingpact_add 10 cmd levelingpact_set_experience 10 cmd levelingpact_set_influence 10 cmd levelingpact_info 10 cmd sgrp_base_prestige_set 10 cmd listen 10 cmd prestige 10 cmd prestige_add 10 cmd sgleader 10 cmd sgrankname 10 cmd sgrankprint 10 cmd costume_add_slot 10 cmd ent_corrupted 10 cmd ent_set_corrupted 10 cmd nextplayer 10 cmd nextnpc 10 cmd nextcar 10 cmd nextreset 10 cmd gotoent 10 cmd donottriggerspawns 10 cmd scmdusage 10 cmd serverwho 10 cmd supergroupwho 10 cmd teamupwho 10 cmd raidwho 10 cmd levelingpactwho 10 cmd tmsg 10 cmd banchat 10 cmd svrban 10 cmd svrunban 10 cmd spawnmany 10 cmd spawnmanyvillains 10 cmd spawnobjective 10 cmd ignore_spammer_threshold 10 cmd ignore_spammer_multiplier 10 cmd ignore_spammer_duration 10 cmd influence_add 10 cmd releaseplayer 10 cmd encounterdebug 10 cmd encounterspawn 10 cmd encounterignoregroups 10 cmd entityencounterspawn 10 cmd encounteralwaysspawn 10 cmd encountermem 10 cmd encounterneighborhoodlist 10 cmd inspire 10 cmd storyarcprint 10 cmd storyarcdetail 10 cmd fixupstoryarcs 10 cmd completesgtask 10 cmd failsgtask 10 cmd failtask 10 cmd levelup_wisdom 10 cmd train 10 cmd add_all_contacts 10 cmd sg_influence 10 cmd missionmapstats 10 cmd missionmapstatstofile 10 cmd mapcheckstats 10 cmd mapstats_checkall 10 cmd servermissioncontrol 10 cmd debug 10 cmd debug_detail 10 cmd debug_tray 10 cmd debug_spec 10 cmd scget 10 cmd scremove 10 cmd title_1 10 cmd title_2 10 cmd title_the 10 cmd title_expires 10 cmd title_and_expires_special 10 cmd fx_special 10 cmd fx_expires 10 cmd arena_player_stats 10 cmd powers_set_level 10 cmd power_set_level 10 cmd cs_pactmember_inf_add 10 cmd sg_influence_add 10 cmd xpdebt_remove 10 cmd wisdom_add 10 cmd reputation 10 cmd reputation_add 10 cmd badge_show_all 10 cmd badges_show_all 10 cmd badge_add 10 cmd badge_grant 10 cmd badge_grant_bits 10 cmd badge_show_bits 10 cmd badge_remove_all 10 cmd badge_revoke_all 10 cmd badge_stat_show 10 cmd badge_stat_set 10 cmd badge_stat_add 10 cmd Architect_Token_Grant 10 cmd chan_kill 10 cmd silenceall_channels 10 cmd unsilenceall_channels 10 cmd silence_handle 10 cmd global_remove_handle 10 cmd check_mail_sent 10 cmd check_mail_recv 10 cmd bounce_mail_sent 10 cmd bounce_mail_recv 10 cmd check_mail_pending 10 cmd chan_members_mode 10 cmd respec_grant_token 10 cmd respec_grant_counter 10 cmd respec_remove 10 cmd respec_remove_token 10 cmd respec_remove_counter 10 cmd cape_remove 10 cmd glow_remove 10 cmd costumepart_remove 10 cmd costume_reset 10 cmd costume_add_tailor 10 cmd costume_add_tailor_per_slot 10 cmd costume_free_tailor 10 cmd costume_ultra_tailor 10 cmd authkick 10 cmd rw_costume_slot 10 cmd check_costume_slots 10 cmd rm_recipe 10 cmd base_save 10 cmd salvage_revoke 10 cmd detail_revoke 10 cmd sg_detail_revoke 10 cmd storage_adj 10 cmd storage_set 10 cmd offline_character 10 cmd backup_player 10 cmd backup_search 10 cmd backup_view 10 cmd backup_apply 10 cmd backup_sg 10 cmd backup_search_sg 10 cmd backup_view_sg 10 cmd backup_apply_sg 10 cmd acc_serverstatus 10 cmd acc_accountinfo 10 cmd acc_tokeninfo 10 cmd acc_account_loyalty_show 10 cmd acc_account_product_change 10 cmd acc_account_product_show 10 cmd acc_account_query_inventory 10 cmd acc_account_product_reconcile 10 cmd acc_unlock 10 cmd acc_accountinfo 10 cmd account_grant_charslot 10 cmd account_certification_buy 10 cmd account_certification_delete 10 cmd account_certification_erase 10 cmd account_certification_delete_all 10 cmd account_loyalty_refund 10 cmd account_loyalty_earned 10 cmd account_loyalty_reset 10 cmd dbflag_set 10 cmd account_recover_unsaved 10 cmd experience_add 10 cmd autoenhance 10 cmd autoenhanceio 10 cmd autoenhanceset 10 cmd boost 10 cmd boostset 10 cmd rw_salvage 10 cmd rw_recipe 10 cmd rw_detail 10 cmd salvage_grant 10 cmd detail_grant 10 cmd sg_detail_grant 10 cmd powers_buypower 10 cmd powers_buypower_dev 10 cmd reward 10 // Commands that are punishable by death. cmd badge_add_all 11 cmd badge_grant_all 11 cmd dbquery 11 cmd omnipotent 11 cmd maxslots 11 cmd base_destroy 11 // Other commands that are out of bounds. cmd temppower 11 cmd temppowerx 11 cmd temppower_revoke 11 cmd emergency_shutdown 11 // Cheating cheaters. EntCon setinvincible 10 EntCon setuntargetable 10 EntCon setinvisible 10